Day 32 Task: Launching your Kubernetes Cluster with Deployment

Day 32 Task: Launching your Kubernetes Cluster with Deployment

What is Deployment in k8s?

A deployment is an object in Kubernetes that helps you to manage a group of identical pods.

Without a deployment, you’d got to produce, update, and delete a bunch of pods manually.

With a deployment, we tend to declare one object in a very YAML file.

Using Kubernetes deployment we can autoscale the applications very easily.

Task 1: Create one Deployment file to deploy a sample react-django-app on K8s using the "Auto-healing" and "Auto-Scaling" feature

Step 1:- I have already a docker image in the docker hub for a sample todo- app. Now we need to pull the the image from docker hub by running the below command

sudo docker pull poojavibhute/react_django_app:latest

Step 2:- Then create a Manifest file named pod.yml where all the configuration related to the image will store.

Step 3:- Now we have to create the deployment using the below command

kubectl apply -f pod.yml

Step 4:- Now we can verify whether the pods are running or not by following the below command.

kubectl get pods

Step 5:- Now after deleting a pod still get 2 pods as Auto Healing is working, so even though 1 pod is removed or deleted a new pod is replaced with the older one.

Step 6:- Now if we need to delete deployment we can use the below command

kubectl delete -f pod.yml

Note: if we want to scale up and scale down, Can do it using the below command

kubectl scale react-django-app --replicas=10